A personal journey on a noteworthy road in an interesting car. That was the starting point for a series of travel books that are a blend of diary, guidebook, and photography album.
Rumble Strip Canada 150
Rumble Strip USA Off the Interstate
Rumble Strip Europe Could We Live Here?
Rumble Strip Benelux (And A Boat)
Rumble Strip World Voices from the road
Brisa Books
Business and how-to books that focus on marketing, leadership, and communication.
Nothing Happens Until Somebody Sells Something 1
Nothing Happens Until Somebody Sells Something 2
Nothing Happens Until Somebody Sells Something 3
[re]wired: Selling Your AE Services in a Post-Recession World
What I Need to Know about Marketing
You're On! 100 Ways to Shine in the Media Spotlight
100 Ways to Win NaNoWriMo
Sirocco Press
This is our collection of fiction. Media Mysteries Series.