When a legend from the world of classic rock shows up to get his lifetime achievement award, why do four other men muscle their way on stage to share the glory? Resorting to Fraud is a romp through fame-and-fortune world, with luxury hotels, private planes and super yachts providing the setting for a caper that goes on for decades.
Resorting to Fraud by Gail Hulnick is now available online at Amazon, as an Ebook in the Kindle store, and online through other book stores. Mainstream fiction. Published August 28, 2020, it is set in the world of music A Bird in the Sand, set in Savannah, Georgia and Key West, Florida, has been shortlisted for a Royal Palm Literary award in the Mystery category. Resorting to Fraud, a mainstream novel, is also a finalist. Winners will be announced in October at the annual Conference, to be held online this year.
June 2024