Today, we're excited to announce the publication of a collection of short stories linked by a setting at a resort or a hotel. Resorting to Short Stories is the fourth in Gail's Resorting To series, each one about something that might, or might not, be a crime. Resorting to Short Stories is a collection of sixteen stories that range in setting from Florida to Spain to France to Canada, and in characters from a five-year-old boy to a middle-aged judge to an elderly woman in quarantine to a pre-teen girl on the lam. And many more. Resorting to Short Stories is available in Ebook and in paperback on Amazon and from Blue Norther Bookstore on this website. Author Gail Hulnick has created a collection of sixteen stories that are each centered on, or in some way connected to, a resort or hotel. Some are mysteries, some romances, some family drama, some humor, and two paranormal. Resorting to Short Stories is available for Ebook preorder at in the Kindle Store and will be released in paperback April 27, 2021.
The A/E Marketing Professionals Community is already up to hundreds of members, coming from the ranks of marketing coordinators, business developers, seller-doers, owners and executives in architecture and engineering firms in the U.S. and Canada. Details here
Gail chats with host Alison Nissen about winning two prizes at the Royal Palm Literary Awards, about the challenges of coming up with loglines or blurbs for her mysteries, and about writing in a variety of different forms. The latest for the Rumble Strip Books imprint features more than three dozen interviews with dedicated travelers who share their memories of amazing, hilarious, life-changing and awe-inspiring moments during road trips in fifteen countries around the world.
The Fearless Decision: How to live in the world without being afraid of it by David A. Stone is now available from Amazon and will be available, through online order, from all other bookstores December 2nd.
This is a collection of David's essays, articles and blog posts, dealing with subjects from anxiety relief to self-doubt to everyday courage to masculine stereotypes. This is NOT a book designed to help those with severe psychological trauma, who need medical care. It's a book for self-aware people who are tired of trying to cope with stress and misery every day and who need more than a yoga class, a weighted blanket and a cup of tea. In the Florida Writers Association Royal Palm Literary Awards competition, Resorting to Fraud, by Gail Hulnick was selected for the Silver medal in the Mainstream or Literary category. In the Mystery category, Gail's novel, A Bird in the Sand, won Bronze.
Congratulations! This is the title of the book we're working on this fall. We've done interviews with thirty travelers with amazing, hilarious, educational and noteworthy stories about their road travels over the past few years. The book is planned for publication November 24, 2020.
When a legend from the world of classic rock shows up to get his lifetime achievement award, why do four other men muscle their way on stage to share the glory? Resorting to Fraud is a romp through fame-and-fortune world, with luxury hotels, private planes and super yachts providing the setting for a caper that goes on for decades.
Resorting to Fraud by Gail Hulnick is now available online at Amazon, as an Ebook in the Kindle store, and online through other book stores. Mainstream fiction. Published August 28, 2020, it is set in the world of music A Bird in the Sand, set in Savannah, Georgia and Key West, Florida, has been shortlisted for a Royal Palm Literary award in the Mystery category. Resorting to Fraud, a mainstream novel, is also a finalist. Winners will be announced in October at the annual Conference, to be held online this year.
June 2024